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한 여자가 이별통보를 받는다. 사랑 앞에 무너진 여자는 남자를 붙잡지 못했다. 모든 감정을 정리한 여자는 새 출발을 했다. 그러던 어느 날, 여자에게 떠나간 남자의 소식이 들린다. 그러나 여자는 현재의 남자가 영원한 사랑이라며 일편단심의 경고성 발언을 한다. “여잔... 그래...”[영문 줄거리]Woman is a scenario writer whose mother passed away 5 years ago. Woman dreams of a happy marriage, however, every her boy friend left her without saying anything. Her most fear is that she will spend her life alone just like her mother without father. She makes up her face when she is happy. She cleanses her face when she is angry. She keeps making up her face every day and cleanses it every day based on daily moods she feels. One day, her present boy friend wanted to see her and she was so excited. However, that was 'Break Up Notice" from her boy friend.The director wants to reveal what women actually feel about loving and try to give messages to men. When women fall into loving, they are with single-minded devotion for men. Furthermore, women experience explosive anger and disappointment her beliefs are broken to pieces with men. The director also fixes the camera into one frame because the world just stands itself even though everybody feels different emotions by each minute.

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여자의 총 상영시간은 27분 입니다.
여자의 수상 기록은 대종상 단편 영화제 대상, 대종상 영화제 단편영화 최우수작품상 등 총 0회 노미네이트, 6회 수상 입니다.
여자 출연진은 최지연 등이 있습니다.
여자의 감독은 최지연 입니다.
한 여자가 이별통보를 받는다. 사랑 앞에 무너진 여자는 남자를 붙잡지 못했다. 모든 감정을 정리한 여자는 새 출발을 했다. 그러던 어느 날, 여자에게 떠나간 남자의 소식이 들린다. 그러나 여자는 현재의 남자가 영원한 사랑이라며 일편단심의 경고성 발언을 한다. “여잔... 그래...”[영문 줄거리]Woman is a scenario writer whose mother passed away 5 years ago. Woman dreams of a happy marriage, however, every her boy friend left her without saying anything. Her most fear is that she will spend her life alone just like her mother without father. She makes up her face when she is happy. She cleanses her face when she is angry. She keeps making up her face every day and cleanses it every day based on daily moods she feels. One day, her present boy friend wanted to see her and she was so excited. However, that was 'Break Up Notice" from her boy friend.The director wants to reveal what women actually feel about loving and try to give messages to men. When women fall into loving, they are with single-minded devotion for men. Furthermore, women experience explosive anger and disappointment her beliefs are broken to pieces with men. The director also fixes the camera into one frame because the world just stands itself even though everybody feels different emotions by each minute..